11 January 2011

langostinos: the exotic nearby

All summer my trips through the city took me by this little seafood joint on Chicago's southwest side. And every time I passed by, that gory shark on the roof called my name. I was always on my way somewhere else and didn't feel the freedom to cross lanes and stop to poke around until winter came and I was no longer passing by so often. I was—again—in the middle of a morning's checklist when I spotted the bloody jaws of Langostino's shark, but this time the siren's song was loud because I wasn't sure when I'd be back by again.

I leave for a few weeks in Peru this Saturday and reading about that country's ruins and plazas and cafés has reminded me how fun it is to see with the eyes of a traveler. Even to see one's own city anew. Winter in the city seems to be a particularly good time to be reminded of how with just a little exploration, even familiar terrain can become fascinating.

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